Video Interviews from Locarno

Thanks to Matthieu for finding these video clips of Frank Oz and M. Lindsay discussing Death at a Funeral at Locarno 60th Film Festival in Italy.  The clips of the interviews are in English and can be viewed on the right hand side of this page

MoviesOnline interview with Frank Oz and Andy Nyman

This interview has to be read completely!  It's hilarious!  It discusses how Matthew Macfadyen had to be "shocked" and what Frank Oz used as a prop to shock him.  It describes Matthew's acting talent as "extraordinary".

It also gives us a glimpse of what outtakes will appear on the DVD.

Read the whole interview here lists In My Father's Den



Thank you to happy4u for this information. now lists In My Father's Den release of the DVD, NTSC format for November 6, 2007.

Play the Death at a Funeral Quiz

You try to match the character to the actor in this quiz which you can play here.

(I got a 100%MM sqeee)

Death at a Funeral to be released in HD DVD in Germany

According to this website, Death at a Funeral will be released in HD DVD in Germany later this year (fourth quarter)
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